What can our Common ground educational party offer you?  And why should you consider joining our community?  Information and unity! 

Over the past 50 years living in England, we have noticed subtle changes being made to our system by men and women in power, often with us being unaware of the negative consequences, scandals, and wealth concentration it has created.  Due to our trusting English nature we assume that politicians, bankers, and members of our law society, all have our best interests at heart. Looking at more recent events we can clearly see that our system is falling apart. 

A simple question, who has to pick up the pieces when the stock markets crash every 10 to 15 years?  While the bankers get bailed out and are paid bonuses or offered promotions?  Many of you lost your job, your home, and your life savings and it wasn’t even your fault.  It was down to gambling stockbrokers and corrupt bankers being propped up by politicians protected by the law society hiding behind the police.  What about certain characters within the government trying to overturn a democratic vote?  How are these people able to get away with lying, cheating, and deceiving us all?  If you or I would engage in such criminality we would face a long time behind bars would we not?   What if we can explain exactly what happened and who is responsible?

We believed that not everyone has been corrupted, so what is actually going on?  Is our entire system compromised?  That is what we wanted to find out.  So a small group of like-minded individuals set out to learn everything politicians, bankers, and lawyers imply the common man is too stupid to understand, and we now have the answers for you. We would like to offer you a different perspective on life as we know it providing you with facts, research, and solutions coming from experts in their field.

Why should you be afraid of hearing both sides of the story?  The only way to move forward is to have an open debate on important matters where we present the facts to everyone and let them make up their own minds.  This way we can make sensible informed decisions together!  Here at the CGE Party, we believe every human being should have equal opportunities and has the capacity to learn many skilled subjects.  This can only be achieved by being shown the correct information which has to be honest, transparent, and factual. 

We trust that sharing information purposely hidden from you, and teaching you English law and our system of contracts can be liberating, resulting in becoming a much more conscious, aware, and responsible human being.  Once we see eye to eye we can choose to create a direct democracy community and replace the representative democracy we have at this moment in time and duplicate the system they have corrupted.  It’s all down to knowing the law.

I believe we have forgotten what it means to be English.  We always produced the best engineering in the world.  The biggest and best ships came from England, jet engines, and the internet, but what we are most renowned for is protecting ourselves and the world through Common Law.  Many English men and women lost their lives protecting our country and standing up for the weak and enslaved.  Unfortunately, slavery has slowly crept back in the form of debt controlled by private corporations through the city of London private Corporation and the EU.

If we need to find Common Law success then we only need to look at every English-speaking nation and compare that with countries that don’t have our system of Common Law.  In 1890 the Belgian King Leopold II ordered his men to cut off the hands of Congolese slaves and killed over 6 million for not collecting enough rubber or meeting their target.  Belgium still owns the Congo and on many of their buildings, they have statues with cut-off hands. 

The Dutch East India company was widely known for importing slaves to America.  The Dutch royal golden carriage has pictures of slavery on the doors and they also have the tropen museum full of artefacts about the terror they inflicted on people during their slave parade.  This is where I laid all the block paving.  Prostitution, human trafficking, and drug sales which still continue to this day, are right next door to us!  Yet we do nothing!  We add fuel to the fire by visiting Amsterdam sponsoring criminals. 

What about Germany starting two world wars?  All the trouble we see today is down to the Vatican, the Dutch East India Company, and the Queen Corporation.  England has no real Queen as they do not represent England, they represent Great Britain or The United Kingdom, both of which are Corporations. 


We do agree here at the CGE Party that we need to shut our borders and regulate immigration, on the other hand, we have the potential to build new relationships with lawful migrants and teach them our skills, our language, our laws, and our English sense of humour.  Once they become fully qualified then they have the ability to go back home and rebuild their own country with our help. 

It is better to provide skills, rather than sending financial aid that cannot be traced which ends up funding a few wealthy CEOs. After all, these migrants become our friends and if they were to return home then we could go and visit them too.  We could even donate money to them, but at least we know who takes our donations so we have more control over how the money is spent.  We must also not forget that we still live on an island and we have our own people to take care of, which must come first.  That is a fact we must accept and not be afraid to say it. 

Our message to racists.  Remember, when you stick your tongue out, we’re all the same colour!  Something to think about.

Now more than ever we need unity and that cannot be achieved through division. Find common ground with us and we might just change the world!

Who do we represent?

Men, Women, and Children, are equal as one! Over the years we have made friends who have been researching in many Common Law countries around the world. These include Canada, America, Australia, New Zealand, and Africa, and we now have millions of people getting involved due to the collapsing EU.  One group stood out from Canada called Successors. They have been pioneers in their field trying to dig through 1000 years of English law to find out where our system of justice had disappeared to, who stole our land, and how we are able to reclaim it.

Most of the English groups studying law use Article 61 of the Magna Carta from 1215, in our opinion unsuccessfully.  This is to enforce lawful rebellion on the German Royals in London. We believe these groups haven’t realised that we have accepted a new system to replace those laws.  The English men and women have been deceived into accepting a new life in Equity leaving Common Law behind. Just like any contract of employment, we must give up our current employer to go and work for another. This means that we must release ourselves from Equity first, before enforcing Common Law as we can’t be in two jurisdictions at the same time as that creates conflict. 

Successors discovered by studying two scholars of English law, “Coke upon Littleton” and “William Blackstone’s lawes and customs of England” that we have transferred our land over to the Queen in a secret land trust created in 1666.  Our acceptance of this new system was done by signing the live registration of birth.  This is done by our parents when we are born, so we would never figure out what has happened.  The people in charge like us to think that we are going crazy but we are not. They designed a dishonest parallel system 400 years ago and implemented it with the EU and USA making us believe nothing has changed.  Who would look back 400 years in law?  I doubt you would.

All of this information we provide is factual and we have the proof in English law.  It’s called “The law of reversion”, reclaiming your land inheritance and living in the Common Law.  The land in England is ours to share, where we live as responsible human beings and not live like animals.  The law of reversion is not for everyone and if you enjoy not having to care about your environment or taking responsibility then we have nothing to offer you.  Just keep calm and carry on, nothing to see here.  For the men and women who are willing to step up then this is for you. The laws are used by our courts and government which means there is no way anyone can deny it.  Have you ever heard about this?  If not, ask yourself why. 

The Royals created this (Cest Que vie) trust giving us the idea that, at birth, we cannot protect our land from invaders, so the Queen provides us with protection until we become 13 years of age.  This is where we should reclaim our land and live our life in Common Law, but we never do due to our state school propaganda that teaches us the system of Equity while removing Common Law from the curriculum.  Rather than claiming a plot of land and building our own house, we apply for a national insurance card, and then we apply for a job.  We get a mortgage/death pledge as a citizen for 30 years enslaving ourselves, we work for Equity Corporations, and we are now a subject of the unlawful Queen entering us into legal slavery by choice.  We beg/apply to the Corporations for jobs ourselves, but we don’t know that we sign our life away and that is the trick.  Now you know why London and Scotland will do anything to stay in the EU.  Without their neoclassical system of economics and fake contracts with legalese, their whole plan and wealth will collapse.

Were you aware of the consequences?  Through this contract, we give up our natural rights and freedoms in Common Law and now take on rights and duties as a citizen in Equity law.  Now nothing we own is ours, we get to use it for a license/fee (Fee-simple in law)(DVLA registered keeper, not owner) and it can be taken away from us at any time.  Everything is against the law unless they give us a license or permission to do it.  We are now guilty until proven innocent.  No right to a jury trial in all trials.  Now we have victimless crimes that go against our core system of law.  There must be a victim for a crime to be a crime, otherwise, there is no crime.  Welcome to the battle between Corporations and humans.

Living as a citizen in Equity we damage our original land trust created at birth, and with all the waste and destruction we create with plastic waste, food waste, or buying a house made with toxic chemicals and products, for this, we pay taxes/damages for it!  Damages or compensation to the landowner, which is you and I as a human being in Common Law, however, on paper we have been turned into a Corporation in Equity.  There are two you’s, one real and one on paper, one alive and one dead. It’s very clever! 

Now think about the government inflicting pain on people by cutting benefits.  They don’t look at our pictures, they look at a piece of paper with numbers on it.  If I was to punch someone in the face then that is a crime, If I punch their birth certificate and ruin the paper then I pay financial damages.  They hurt the piece of paper, they don’t hurt us.  Can you see the conflict with your mind? We are choosing to damage our own trust and complain about the government which actually does quite a good job of cleaning up after us.  It’s our own fault in their eyes but we don’t know what is going on.  Catch 22. It’s great once we see how it all works. 

The Royal family are not our chosen royals but European slave traders who transitioned our honest system into a duplicate system creating a trust and manipulating us into joining, which was easy after two world wars.  Their allegiance is with the EU, they do not serve us, and they have made this happen.  The King was usually the first into battle, now look what politicians and the royals do, they start wars and then sit back and relax.  They’re not the English royal family, our royal family lives in Australia.  We can have them back whenever we choose to.  It’s up to you.

So where do the taxes go that we pay?  Some of this goes to the government, some to the Queen, and the remainder to our trust.  The royals had to do it this way just in case one day we discovered how the law works and returned to our natural selves reclaiming our land and our stolen wealth.  We can claim to be enslaved which we are, but we are not, they have just stuck us in a maze with only one way out and it was buried in 1000 years of law. Good luck finding that old chap, yet a small group of us managed to do it, together!

In Equity, we are a burden to the state and seen as a “Dolt” (a stupid person, Adult?)  Think of life in this system as being in a mental institution and then listen to politicians and owners of Corporations.  Drugging children to calm them down, controlling you, locking you down, compulsory vaccinations, fines for taking children on holiday during term time.  You don’t have to believe me, look for yourself, and analyse it!  Do politicians serve us or just put up with us because they have to?  Do the royals keep taking money even during a financial crisis?  Paying themselves more wages?  Are you starting to realise what has actually happened?

We are no longer a man or woman living in the real world, we are a corporate legal entity called a person.  Now, look back at how much tax we have to pay on everything, VAT, or if we give our home to one of our children.  In Common Law land gets passed down through a will to the family and before the German London royals/Dutch Romans/Roman pope changed our system, land could not be sold but only given away.  You couldn’t gamble away your house due to not being sound of mind, rendering the gambling contract null and void in Common Law.  The land was never taxed.  Make sense?


If you own a plot of land and I come along and put a funfair on it and make money by doing so, would you want me to pay you damages or compensation for using your land?  The answer is probably, yes!  How much?  A certain percentage of the profit would be expected and compensation for the damage created to the land.  You as a citizen are a foreigner on your own land and you get taxed because of the damage you cause.  By using the law of reversion we are able to reclaim our land in Common Law.  Due to Equity being created after Common Law it was built on top, hiding our native law’s true significance.

Do we promise more of the same?

It is not our intention to govern you or rule over your life.  We merely offer a place where we share knowledge and experience where experts can come together and dicuss viable solutions we create for the future, openly and publicly.  With everyone educated on our laws we are able to create local governing bodies we participate in, and create collective peoples companies bound by Common Law contracts.  Everything can be the same as the system we have now but it would return to being a fair, honest and open country with no ability to hide information the public deserve to know.  That is what common law and being English is all about. 

Rather than fighting the old, why don’t we concentrate on building new opportunities given to us by Brexit?  The idea that united our country!  Thank you Mr Nigel Farage for your excellent service to the English people!