Did you know this?

~We have a confused population regarding law, rights and customs based on assumptions and hearsay

~Corporations and humans live under two different legal systems

~Your land was stolen from you by entering you into a secret trust by the Queen transferring law

~The royal family are not entitled to the throne

~Banks committing legal fraud

~Police officers committing fraud and breaking the law (corporate entities)

~The national curriculum has taught us biased history

~Unrecognised legal languages and dictionaries which leads to manipulative contracts (legalese)

~ Non-stock markets gambling with contracts (like Ladbrokes betting agents) tied to the economy

~Futures trading, selling off everything you have before you get it

~City of London private corporation, Queen corporation, slave traders

~Deregulation of banks purposely destroying the entire world economy stealing your time and freedom

What has this led to?

~Secret off-shore tax havens

~Controlled Media propaganda  

~Shell companies 

~Boom and bust cycles in the economy



~Genetically modified crops and seeds

~Limited liability corporations 

~Corrupt corporations and lawyers 

~Serious illness 



~Police cover-ups

~Gag orders

~Fake wars based on lies

~Lying politicians


~Mental health issues

~Poisoned food 

~Contaminated water supply

~Guilty until proven innocent




What are the consequences?

~People losing their homes, pensions and savings

~Stress and worry


~Exhausted NHS

~No accountability


~Murder by contract

Good people start to do bad things because our system of law is unwilling to deal with the corruption they themselves are caught up in. If you can’t beat, join them!

~Breakups in relationships

~Drug addiction


~No trust

~No justice


~Murder by war

What can we do about it?

~Unite based on our trades and knowledge

~Learn the differences in law, contracts and agreements

~Create new systems of home schooling or learning centers

~Take back the land in common law

~Restore trade with barter or Gold and Silver

~Create an investment bank for education and inventions

~Restore the lawful royal family and reverse all the Roman statutes and rules

~Localised food markets, food growing centers with new technology

~Natural medicine

~Medical colleges tied to care homes

~All drugs are lawful to create better medicine and remove monopolies on peoples lives

~Reclaim all the stolen wealth

~Restore the planets resources and wildlife

~Create sustainable living

~All we have to do is change the type of contract, it’s that simple

What is the Common ground educational party?

Common ground

“Opinions or interests shared by each of two or more parties”

African, Asian or  Caucasian?  It doesn’t matter.  We are all on the same boat/ship which means we are all in this together! Even migrants and immigrants


Self -education is the best form of learning but will only work when you know the facts.  We like to offer a platform where we can come together and share the knowledge we have gained so we can make better collective decisions for the future

Party (politics)

All we have is our vote.  If that is ignored then where do we turn? You turn to us!  We are a non voting party advocating for local governing bodies run by the people.  We offer an alternative which is to come together as a nation united by the English language and collectively create a new system of governance based upon English common law.

How will this work? Example

Divide life’s necessities into categories

~Common ground International politics

~Common ground education 

~Common ground law

~Common ground healthcare 

~Common ground sustainability 

~Common ground banking

~Common ground agriculture

~Common ground technology

~Common ground security

 ~Common ground transport

Common ground politics

~Setup voting polls for local governance

~Transparent operations because we will all be a part of it

~Open debates we can challenge and participate in

~Create new laws and peace officers

Basically restoring a corrupted political system into an honest and open one with accountability

~Local courts to administer justice

~Public transport – National union

~Road and rail maintenance – National union

~Transfer knowledge to commonwealth

Common ground education

~Create a network of teachers and specialists working together with parents

~Restructure learning based on the child’s needs

~Support homeschooling, forest school, farming school

~Local investment from the community to create and invent

~Learning centers providing the tools and technology for free education/volunteers

~Active learning by participating on work sites

~Prepare apprenticeships and support for children

~Pass driving test as part of the curriculum for free including advanced rain, snow and drift courses

~Offer work to youngsters to keep them out of trouble. Fruit picking, food delivery, local jobs

Common ground healthcare/NHS

~Community colleges with care homes, active learning

~Universal medical contributions, open accounting

~Community drug association developing life saving (natural) medicine

~Independent tests, diagnoses and research needs to be transparent and verifiable

~Doctors, nurses and surgeons collaborating openly and honestly on the public network

~Common law contractual agreements between humans, no corporations can take part making everyone accountable

~Combine building specialist colleges with construction of hospitals and care homes for cheaper labour while learning on the job

~Community drug store/smart shop 

Common ground law

~Restore our land trust

~Create local community jury courts/churches

~Bring back Common Law

~Nationwide law network open to the public

~International agreements under English law

~Restore the commonwealth

Common ground sustainability

~Create sustainable crops like hemp for building materials, seeds, oils and animal feed

~Create a complete new industrial revolution, clothes, cars, biodegradable plastics that last as long as possible

~Farming and forestry network for timbers

~High standard biodegradable building and cleaning products

~Energy efficient public transport

~Combine house building with waste disposal

~Save the bees!

Common ground banking

~If everyone has what they need then they wouldn’t need to steal

~Transparent investments

~Community pension funds

~Real stock exchange with physical goods like Gumtree or Ebay

~National minted gold and silver coin along with a barter service

~Price agreements among the people for food weights and prices

~Community owned bank with no speculation or hidden clauses and small print

Common ground agriculture

~Farmers work together with engineers and scientists, open public debate

~Transparent studies on food quality, harvests and improvements in technology

~Work together in harmony with nature

~National food stock market and network

~Localised food networks

~Community vegetable gardens in unused plots of land or verges

~Pure natural seeds, no hidden contracts or agreements, everyone liable

~Abolish pesticides, chlorinated chicken, growth hormones and GMO

Common ground technology

~Create local factories owned by the workers

~Make products last as long as possible

~Make all patents open-source in all of England and the Commonwealth

~Have innovation competitions

~Restructure companies to suit human need and not for profit

~Higher standards and safer products

~Less waste and better resource management

Common ground security

~Create military learning schools for children like sea cadets and air cadets

~Focus on national security

~Survival skills

~Military engineering

~Work together with the community

~Protect the borders, harbours and docks

~Protect international shipping 

~No war or deployment unless we all agree

Common ground transport

~National network of technicians collaborating with the public

~Open source news and education about traffic customs we agree to

~Transport competitions to build efficient means of travel

~Build new high speed railways

~Fix all of the roads

~Have bidding for contracts open to all

The time is now!

Life is simple, we just over complicate things

All of what we have mentioned is possible and would be the direct result of us taking back our land in Common Law and making agreements between each other.

No one is coming to save us, so unless we take action ourselves nothing will ever get better.

Joining our party is about creating a community where we can all share our expertise and ideas. A place that brings us closer together and gives us a common purpose.

We can’t build a house without solid foundations because anything that comes after that will fall apart. Our children rely on us not to let them down by destroying their lives in the future.

By learning the basics of the system we live in it will give you the knowledge you need to make an informed decision.

In the coming video’s we shall be sharing some documentaries with you and explain why you should watch them and why they are important to help us understand what is going on in the world today.

Refusing to vote for London, enough is enough!

The political system we have now is failing.  The politicians do not serve us and the right wing/left wing nonsense is still the same bird.  Double headed Roman eagle flying in the same direction.

You may be confused over Brexit and the corona virus but this is easy to understand once you know how the system works.  Why bankers get away with money laundering and other criminal activities.  Why politicians never do what they say.  Taking us to war based on lies killing thousands of people and using our taxes to fund it with no recourse. Generating bio-weapons in secret labs which has effected the global economy.

By taking away your vote from the City of London corporation and joining our collective party we hope to build an idea together on the future of this great country which works for everyone.  We have the expertise and knowledge to create anything we want and that cannot be achieved unless we all agree, work together and create a stable and secure future. Like someone once said, “You can be my worst enemy or best source of support”

How economic inequality harms societies | Richard Wilkinson

If there is a time to start fresh then that time is now!

How economic inequality harms societies | Richard Wilkinson

We feel instinctively that societies with huge income gaps are somehow going wrong. Richard Wilkinson charts the hard data on economic inequality, and shows what gets worse when rich and poor are too far apart: real effects on health, lifespan, even such basic values as trust.

Talk by Richard Wilkinson.