Coincidence of bomb exercises? London bombing 2005

By Nicholas Glass

Updated on 17 July 2005

It began when Peter Power, one time high ranking employee of Scotland Yard and member of its Anti-Terrorist Branch, reported in two major UK media outlets that his company Visor Consulting had on the morning of 7th of July been conducting ‘crisis exercises’ whose scenarios uncannily mirrored those of the actual attack.In interviews on Radio 5 Live and ITV News, Power appeared to claim the exercises involved ‘a thousand people’ as well as a dedicated crisis team whose number was not specified.

The consultant described the simulation of ‘simultaneous attacks on a underground and mainline station’ and ‘bombs going off precisely at the railway stations’ at which the actual bombings occurred.Visor’s crisis team, Power explained, were planning to practice the switch from what he called ‘slow time’ thinking to the ‘quick time’ thinking required by a crisis situation. In the event, they were forced to do so for real.

‘Unusual though it may be to stop an exercise and go into real time,’ he comments, ‘it worked very well – although there were a few seconds when the audience didn’t realise whether it was real or not.’Three days after the London bombings, Power was in Toronto for the 15th World Conference on Disaster Management. There, he took part in a discussion panel for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s news discussion programme CBS: Sunday Night, in which he was quizzed again about what the host called the ‘extraordinary’ conjunction of his company’s planned scenarios and the actual events. Power dismissed this as ‘spooky coincidence’. (Channel 4)

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7/7 Ripple effect 3 - 2006

The Truth about the London bombings on July 7 2005. Muad’Dib’s expanded new third version of the acclaimed original 7/7 Ripple Effect. Released on 7/7 2019. After being unlawfully jailed for 157 days based on trumped-up charges, and the BBC making a dedicated hit-piece on the original 7/7 Ripple Effect.
The film-maker Muad’Dib expands upon the original film and has added over 60 minutes of new material connecting the dots of what most likely really did happen in London on July 7th 2005, when 3 tube-trains and a double-decker bus were exploded. Watching this film should leave the viewer no doubt that the crimes and murder committed in London were done by other organizations than by claimed by the official and corporate media.

An Inconvenient Truth - 2006 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An Inconvenient Truth is a 2006 American concert/documentary film directed by Davis Guggenheim about former United States Vice President Al Gore‘s campaign to educate people about global warming. The film features a slide show that, by Gore’s own estimate, he has presented over 1,000 times to audiences worldwide.

The idea to document Gore’s efforts came from producer Laurie David, who saw his presentation at a town hall meeting on global warming, which coincided with the opening of The Day After Tomorrow. Laurie David was so inspired by his slide show that she, with producer Lawrence Bender, met with Guggenheim to adapt the presentation into a film. Premiering at the 2006 Sundance Film Festival and opening in New York City and Los Angeles on May 24, 2006, the documentary was a critical and commercial success, winning two Academy Awards for Best Documentary Feature and Best Original Song.[4] The film grossed $24 million in the U.S. and $26 million at the international box office, becoming the 11th highest grossing documentary film to date in the United States.[5]

Since the film’s release, An Inconvenient Truth has been credited for raising international public awareness of global warming and reenergizing the environmental movement. The documentary has also been included in science curricula in schools around the world, which has spurred some controversy. A sequel to the film, titled An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, was released on July 28, 2017.

Wikileaks - 2006

WikiLeaks is a multi-national media organization and associated library. It was founded by its publisher Julian Assange in 2006.

WikiLeaks specializes in the analysis and publication of large datasets of censored or otherwise restricted official materials involving war, spying and corruption. It has so far published more than 10 million documents and associated analyses.

“WikiLeaks is a giant library of the world’s most persecuted documents. We give asylum to these documents, we analyze them, we promote them and we obtain more.” – Julian Assange, Der Spiegel Interview

WikiLeaks has contractual relationships and secure communications paths to more than 100 major media organizations from around the world. This gives WikiLeaks sources negotiating power, impact and technical protections that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to achieve.

Although no organization can hope to have a perfect record forever, thus far WikiLeaks has a perfect in document authentication and resistance to all censorship attempts.

William Bill Cooper - Behold a pale horse (Full Video) - 2006

Conclusions drawn by bill on his extensive, varied knowledge & research.

JFK Assassination, Film, William Bill Cooper, Tells All, Video Footage, Conspiracy, Secret Society

Bill Cooper was killed by authorities on 11/5/2001.
Author of “Behold a Pale Horse”

Bill Cooper was one of the first to begin exposing the secret government conspiracies!

Bill Cooper JFK Video

Bill Cooper predicted 9/11 - CNN interview full - 2006

This is a short yet important video presenting Bill Cooper’s 9/11 prediction, rare 9/11 footage and audio from his book “Behold a Pale Horse” and the Illuminati agenda. Bill Cooper was one of the top conspiracy researchers, he was active on exposing the Illuminati (secret government) and most importantly the satanic agenda which is tied in with the UFO hoax.

Here is also a list of the 25 Illuminati princples/goals that Adam Weishaupt set up after the Rothschilds started financing the Illuminati conspiracy.

The following 25 goals apply to America and the rest of the world, this is pretty much a step by step manual on how the Illuminati conspiracy works, basically explains all the long term plans they had back at the Illuminati’s founding in 1776.

The 25 Illuminati goals:

1. All men are more easily inclined towards evil than good.

2. Preach Liberalism

3. Use the idea of freedom to bring about class wars

4. Any and all means should be used to reach the Illuminati Goals as they are justified.

5. The right to lie in force.

6. The power of our resources must remain invisible until the very moment it has gained the strength that no cunning or force can undermine it.

7. Avocation of mob psychology to control the masses.

8. Use alcohol, drugs, corruption and all forms of vice to systematically corrupt the youth of the nation.

9. Seize property by any means

10. Use of slogans such as equity, liberty, fraternity delivered into the mouths of the masses in psychological warfare

11. War should be directed so that the nations on both sides are placed further in debt and peace conferences conducted so that neither combatant obtains territory rights.

12. Members must use their wealth to have candidates chosen and placed in public office who will be obedient to their demands and will be used as pawns in the game by those behind the scenes. Their advisors will have been reared and trained from childhood to rule the affairs of the world.

13. Control the press.

14. Agents will come forward after fermenting traumatic situations and appear to be the saviours of the masses.

15. Create industrial depression and financial panic, unemployment, hunger, shortage of food and use this to control the masses or mob and then use the mob to wipe out all those who stand in the way.

16. Infiltrate into the secret Freemasons to use them for Illuminati purposes.

17. Expound the value of systematic deception, use high sounding slogans and phrases and advocate lavish promises to the masses even though they cannot be kept.

18. Detail plans for resolutions, discuss the art of street fighting which is necessary to bring the population into speedy subjection.

19. Use agents as advisors behind the scenes after wars and use secret diplomacy to gain control.

20. Establish huge monopolies that lean toward world government control.

21. Use high taxes and unfair competition to bring about economic ruin by control of raw materials. Organize agitation among the workers and subsidize their competitors.

22. Build up armaments with Police forces and Soldiers sufficient to protect our needs.

23. Members and leaders of the one-world government would be appointed by the directors.

24. Infiltrate into all classes and levels of society and government for the purpose of fooling, bemusing and corrupting the youthful members of society by teaching them theories and principles that we know to be false.

25. National and International laws should be used to destroy civilization and enslave and control the people.