Here we bring all of the Pioneers in Law together who over the last 2 decades have been working hard to uncover what has happened to our way of life and how we can make better choices in the future. We see so much division between different researching groups that we would like to bring everyone together in one spot to find common ground. We would like to promote all of the groups on this page so you can see what their objectives are, and the proof they supply for free.  If you would like to know more we will provide a link for you to visit their website. All of the groups below are community-oriented just like us.  Why not join us all and meet back here when you are ready for the next stage?

Over the past 11 years I have been a part of many law groups on Facebook and I can see that we are fighting the good fight, but we are still separated by name and ideas. We all follow different paths when it comes down to researching which often may lead to clashes in opinions. Here at the CGE Party we want to lay it all bare and get to the bottom of what is really going on by bringing us all together in one spot away from Facebook with real people who will lay down their swords and unite based on facts and truth.  Using you real name and meeting in person.

Once you have read all of the information below it will paint a very bleak picture about the lies and corruption within our contracts, language and law.  There is hope!  Please find our conclusion at the bottom of the page.  Enjoy!

Welcome to Successors

Successors will teach you the foundation of land tenures, uses, and trusts, the system of English law and equity as well as natural law from which it came.
Successors are based on one specific issue, which is how one becomes subject to another entity and how to remove one’s self from being subject to other entities.
How to make sure you never become subject again by tacit acceptance due to lack of knowledge. In English law this is called ignorance and makes you incompetent in law and not able to be seen sui juris in law, meaning in your own right within the common law meaning.

About our Journey

Successors will take you on a journey into the history of English Law, providing sources written by the top legal scholars that shaped and carved English Law into what it is today. We will be correcting the different beliefs that people currently hold about what the English system of law actually is and how the Government and the Monarchy established the power and authority they enforce today. Showing what real freedom is and how one can obtain this without forcing anything onto another individual living under Natural Law until of course those individuals make agreements that they are both aware of and agree to between themselves.

The British Constitution Group

The British Constitution Group campaigns for the restoration of Britain’s ancient Divine secular Constitution, which, for several decades has been systematically denied and undermined by successive corporate governments of all political parties. The BCG is non-political and does not endorse or support any political party. We know that for over 1200 years, successive generations of British inhabitants have reasserted the principles that Alfred the Great and others had helped to restore. Specifically, these principles include that of Trial and Annulment by Jury and the supremacy of the people over their government by being in judicial authority at all times.

What do Lawyers really know?

Are you being taught the truth about the Law?

Sadly, many Law books are not reliable and unfortunately many Lawyers, Politicians, Police Constables, university and college lecturers and professors and other Public Servants are not taught adequately about the Principles of Natural and Common Law, so they don’t often know what the Rule of Law actually means i.e. that there is a higher, purer, supreme, Divine wisdom that governs the natural Laws of our World. 

However, most ordinary people interpret this as the Common Sense principles

Unfortunately many of the Police, politicians, academia, the corporate state media and other Public Servants are taught and so believe that the Rule of Law means statute legislation, corporate state rules and regulations, rather than our natural Divine Common Law Constitutional principles.

What is the Law?

The Purest Highest Divine Truth and Wisdom is …

What is Debt-Less?

Debt-Less was founded as a platform for education, financial education unavailable on any other platform, in any school, college, University or social media group. Our prime function is to provide information to enlighten those in financial hardship to the ways and means for improving their lives.

The information available on our Facebook Group is unmatched, as are the success levels when dealing with Banks and their agents. Whether you believe you have borrowed money, that banks lend money, or you are in debt to a Bank, the facts are concealed behind a myriad of deceptions created by those that wish to enslave and conceal the truth.

Banks do not lend money, they lend nothing, they purchase Securities from Settlors for the purpose of assignment to a Trustee, thereafter deceiving the Beneficiary into effecting repayments on a non-existent obligation or debt, pure sleight of hand, a deception that has served to enslave mankind for centuries – hence the wealthy become wealthier, and the poor continue to suffer.

Companies who assign purported debts have little care for the tactics employed by those they assign. They do not think about the individuals who will be subjected to their threats, as long as they may turn a profit from something that was never, if acting on behalf of a financial institution, owed in the first place. Harassment and intimidation are now commonplace as the modus operandi of Debt Collection Agents gathers pace exponentially, as are their ludicrous claims of a debt being due in the first place.

Practical Lawful Dissent

What is Treason?

  • noun: an act of deliberate betrayal

What is Constitutional Law?

  • Law that limits the power of government or grants basic inalienable rights

  • Contractual agreement by which the Authority to govern is granted

Example of Treason from a file in our library (Exhibit C – 1993 Treason Charges, “Treason and The Validity of Magna Carta 1215“):
Whereas it is an offence under Section 1 of the Treason Act 1795 “within the realm or without…to devise…constraint of the person of our sovereign…his heirs or successors.”

On 7th February 1992 the Rt Hon Douglas Richard Hurd, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs … and the Rt Hon Francis Anthony Aylmer Maude … did sign a Treaty of European Union at Maastricht in the Netherlands, according to Article 8 of which Her Majesty the Queen becomes a citizen of the European Union (confirmed by the Home Secretary in the House of Commons: Hansard 1st February 1993) therefore “subject to the duties imposed thereby”, subject to being arraigned in her own courts and being taxed under Article 192 of the integrated Treaty and thereby effectively deposed as the sovereign and placed in a position of suzerainty under the power of the “European Union”.

Therefore the said Rt Hon Douglas Hurd and the said Rt Hon the Hon Francis Maude are guilty of treason.

International Tribunal for Natural Justice

Vision and Mission


A world in which the Earth is honoured; Truth is spoken; Love is the basis of all action; and Justice is an organic, self-fulfilling function of respect for natural law.


To apprehend the abuses and tyranny of systems and institutions; restore truth and reason to the delivery of justice in the world; and uphold natural justice as the foundational tenet of human expression beyond the artifice of borders and boundaries.

 Open Court

In homage to its overriding commitment to Truth and transparency, the ITNJ is committed to video-recording all proceedings and live-streaming hearings and trials whenever possible, with all video recordings archived for public access.  Never again shall the corrupting influence of secrecy be permitted to colour the hearts of those whom we entrust as guardians of our ancient treasures; our birth-right of natural justice.

Sign The Treaty

Having awakened to the truth that since the moment of our birth we have been contracted to corporate institutions which by their very nature serve neither people nor planet, and in hereby revoking in earnest all such contracts which have blinded, encumbered, and sought to separate us from our most noble expression, We now claim a rightful place in this world which the Supreme Creator within has provided for us all, as equals amongst all, and will take such action as to ensure the restoration of truth and justice for all people of the world.

We have met with such a truth, as We have come to know it, understand it, and embrace it, and now choose to be ruled by it for the rest of our days.

We, according to the solemn duty as aforesaid, and per the dictate of conscience, ratify the present treaty with the earnest intention that truth and reason be restored to the delivery of justice in the world.

And so, recognising that in Truth:

i. Law in its…


(HIDDEN-FOREIGN-TEXT-KNOWN-AS-DOG-LATIN) The Mother of all Deceptions: The Concept of Modern Day Slavery: By: Romley Stewart.

The Concept of Modern Day Slavery:

This Article is not legal advice in any way, it is a story in relation to research and findings that have been uncovered in relation to such research directed at the grammatical appearance and the grammatical standing of Government, (Or what could be foreign de-facto governments) Court and Banking Contracts and Charges. This article hopefully may alert some of you to the dangers of entering into contracts when you are not aware of the importance of the grammatical appearance of the languages employed within such contracting paper instruments. Is the “legal title” you hold “really” saying what you assumed it to say?

An Account of “Grammatical Crimes” of Corporate Governance, courts and enforcement agencies by the use of DOG-LATIN: a “debased” criminal immoral foreign written language that renders all such DOG-LATIN documents, tendered by such corporate private governments, as “counterfeit”. DOG-LATIN is unhyphenated all uppercase Latin symbolic text that follows the grammatical rules of English and not the grammatical rules of Latin. It is the language of the Illiterate, (Blacks Law Dictionary 4th Edition) it looks just like English, “IT LOOKS JUST LIKE THIS” but grammatically, it is the deception right under your nose… It is the poison in the text, it is the corruption in the contract. If you hold any part of this debased criminal all uppercase text of the dead corporations, such as your Driver License, you are claiming membership to the Underworld, criminal counterfeit, corrupt, corporate world of the Dead Corporations. You become a criminal.

The “presumption” of a foreign military occupation of our country under the foreign control of Rome:

In 1973, Whitlam, Prime Minister of “AUSTRALIA” signed us up to a private military “Roman” contracting system of governance called: “UNIDROIT”, head office in Rome. This is why the written language and its relationship to Private Contracts is so important to be aware of. The UNITED STATES, being the de-facto government of the United States of America, is now also a part of UNIDRIOT, under the power of Rome. DOG-LATIN (Debased Latin) appears to be the official language of the Infants: Military, infantry of Rome. It appears to be the language of the DEAD, (Debtor) and the only way you can hold a military name is in the ALL UPPERCASE APPEARANCE of the dead language: LATIN and or DOG-LATIN, being the designation of things and not proper names, such as your SURNAME. Proper Latin appears to be the official language of Rome and we “Assume” that DOG-LATIN (Debased Latin) is the language of the military debtor accounts/ledgers of Rome and a lack of understanding of such facts may be the cause of many Australians and people from around the world, to be losing their property and all their common law birth rights via a lack of understanding in relation to the appearance of such LATIN-TEXT-AND-ITS-DOGGED-CORRUPTION. The Beast is the VATICAN and the mark of the beast is its written text.

Common Ground Educational Party

Our conclusion

By studying all of the information found in the above groups we can clearly see there are multiple levels of law, trusts, and ways to enforce them.  This creates class division within the population as there are different rules for one, and different rules for another.  Where is the equality in that?  There is none due to the multiple systems operating are not meant to be equal.  All we have to do is study the hidden legal language called Legalese from 1914 designed to justify high fees and confuse the laymen with language in contracts. 

Successors offer the only true way out of our equity system through the Queens bench, where we put in a claim for our lands and present our affidavit releasing us back into Natural/Common law.  If we did this, each man or woman would have to visit the court and put in a claim.  With a 66 million population in the UK and with 10 visits a day at the Queen’s bench it would take a total of 6.6 million days to release ourselves from something we didn’t even know we joined. 

Here at the CGE Party, we hope you will learn all the information provided by our friends and make a choice.  If the group resonates with you then join them and meet the teams.  They are all great people helping to make the world a better place by helping you. 

We believe that if we are all fully informed we can restore the law nationally in one go.  Serve the papers all at the same through our common ground party/union/trust you become a part of. This way we can choose to stop using fraudulent languages and contracts returning to honesty and accountabilty.  Most importantly?  Equality!

The trouble we face at the moment is that most of the men and women in England are not learned in the Law, so they don’t realise what they are participating in.  Due to this, we can’t actually agree on one system of law and this was clear with the Brexit vote.  What did vote remain or vote leave mean?  Law.

All of this affects contracts, trade, and agreements.  Why do you think it has been impossible to strike a deal?  We have a system of freedom and they have a system of slavery, the two do not mix.  We tried for 50 years and look what happened to the world’s resources, animals who have gone extinct, overfishing our waters, rainforest depletion, human trafficking, and so on, the list is endless.  Check any statistics after 1970 and you will be shocked to see the patterns.

Ask your friends and family these questions.

Do you believe you are free?  Do you have freedom?
Do we use currency or money?  Do you know the difference between the two?
What language do you think we speak in contracts?
Do you think there are hidden terms and agreements used against you in law?
If I told you that you live in a trust for incompetent people who are unable to take care of themselves, would you believe me?

Half the people you speak to would not have a clue what you are talking about because we live by assumptions, often assumptions that do not exist.  This has to change which is why you should become a part of our growing team.  Be sure to check out the documentaries under resources.